State Soil & Water Quality Conservation Commission

The Southfork Watershed Alliance has been fortunate to work for decades alongside researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service -Â National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment (USDA-ARS-NLAE), Iowa State University, University of Iowa, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Drake University, and others to learn more about our watershed and to improve watershed management and the environment. Read more about some of the ongoing and historical projects below.

Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework
A menu of site-specific conservation practices
The Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (ACPF) leverages high-resolution geo-spatial data to help local farming communities better address their soil and water conservation needs. It was developed by USDA-ARS-NLAE in the South Fork Iowa River watershed and has been expanded for use across the country. South Fork watershed landowners can use the ACPF Storymap to build a "menu of conservation practices" that might be suitable for their farms.